Kindness Grows
The Kindness Grows Project
At Kindness Grows we believe that acts of service or kindness, no matter how big or small, have the power to positively change the way we feel about ourselves,
and the world around us.
We all have the ability to make our communities better, kinder places for everyone - including ourselves.
Unfortunately, most of us never fully realize how much power we have to create a meaningful, positive impact on our mental health, our self-esteem, our communities,
and beyond.
The Kindness Grows Project aims to change all of that.
You are more powerful
than you realize.
Your impact is greater
than you know.
You can achieve happiness by creating happiness!
And do you know what else?
Kindness is contagious!
We challenge you to perform 3 acts of service over a 3 day period. Then come back here and tell us a little about what you did, and how it made you feel!
It's that easy.
We will remind you over the next 3 days to come back here and tell us how it's going.
And you can also check in on our Kindness Tracker
and watch as we grow kindness all
around the world.
Were you the recipient of an act of kindness?
We want to hear about that too!
Click HERE to tell us about it and we will add it to the Kindness Tracker.